Sunday, May 31, 2009

save darfur...if we have time.

today i just watched a documentary on the genocide that is going on in Darfur.  The main character in the film mentioned how hopeless he felt.  How naive he was to assume that the pictures he took in Darfur would have any impact on the resolution that would occur from our president.

The documentary also showed a rally that President Obama attended, and even spoke at.  He said he was going to do everything in his power to stop the genocide in Darfur.  At the end of the documentary, there was a link to send an email to Prez Obama, and this was one of the messages i saw:
Last year, Barack Obama pledged to bring peace to Darfur with "unstinting resolve."

Unstinting resolve huh?

So i sent my email and now post this blog hoping that it will allow me to fall asleep tonight (:-P).  But think about that; unstinting resolve, what does that even mean?  If Obama really wanted to stop this with unstinting resolve, wouldn't it be done?  Oh, it's easy for us all to say "yup, we are America, the biggest and bestest country in the US," but really, who is Obama?  I thought about that as i wrote my letter to him; expressing empathy that he has a lot on his plate.  i mean, he walked into an economic crisis, has people fighting for "pride", "choice", stop the war, fight the flu, etc, etc, etc.  So is Obama super man?  Does he have the ability to work 28 hours a day?  i mean, how much can he really do?  He still has the time restraints of a 24 hour day; requiring food, sleep, rest, etc.  What is really the most important issue that he should deal with?  Is it Darfur, is it the economic crisis?  

At the end of the letter i wrote to him, (which probably goes to some entry level college freshman) i asked what was most important.  We all ask him for something, but how much can he do?  At the end of the email, i said to him "Please take an honest look at where our focus is, and ask yourself if it is the most ethical use of time and resources possible. Are we promoting genocide by refusing to act against it? What is worse, the markets crashing or wives and children mercilessly being raped and murdered? I pray that we are doing what is right."  Deep right???

Nah, that letter was a rediculously stupid waste of time and energy.  Instead of asking Obama what he thinks is most important, i should be asking myself what is most important to me.  What are my priorities?  Do i want to run around and capture more "stuff"?  Do i want to spend my money on entertainment and going out to eat with friends?  Should i ask the President to resolve society's problems for me?  is it fair that i ask him to take time out of his busy schedule to help people in Darfur, when i still over indulge in the pleasures of life?  At the same time, is life meant to suck?  Am i suppose to refrain from enjoying what i have?  What is that balance?  When should i stop providing for myself, and start providing for others?  What is my duty as a citizen of earth? 

I don't know the answers to these things, but i do know that i was given a conscience for a reason.  When i feel like i'm not doing my part, that's probably when i should be doing more.  I need to find balance though, and make sure that i don't let guilt drive me, but that my passion is driven by a sense of compassion for others.  That i do these things because my cup is overfilling, and i am wasting resources if i don't share. 

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