I’m reading a book on spiritual influence and this is a quote
that made me think about our role as spiritual leaders:
Curiosity is a particular form
of passion, an instinct that says, “There is more out there, I know there
is. God is on the loose, and if I look
with eyes of faith I will be able to see what He wants to do in the world. Every person is interesting in some way.”
The reason this quote stuck out to me is because of what
John Eldredge says in the book “Captivating.”
He says that women (just like God) want to be pursued like an expensive treasure. I’ve seen that in Ashley, but I’ve also seen
that elsewhere in life. I’m now starting
to wonder whether there is more to pursuit than just romance…
When I think of being pursued, I'm reminded of the Hebrew word Hesed.
It’s the word that God used in the book of Hosea to describe the “loving-kindness” He
had for His people. Let me provide a quick summary in case you haven't read the book.
Hosea is a book in the Old Testament written by a prophet named Hosea. Prophets had the unique responsibility of helping the people of God understand who God was and what He wanted. They also provided a glimpse of what would happen in the future. The book of Hosea was a sad, frustrating, but surprisingly hopeful story. Here it is:
Hosea was instructed to marry a woman who cheated on him and even found herself indebted to another man. Hosea had the right to divorce her, but instead, God told Hosea to buy her back. Hosea obeyed God, and in the process we see the stubbornness of his wife, and the pain and sadness it caused Hosea. Although she was rebellious and adulterous, Hosea repeatedly showed her love. But remember, Hosea's situation was meant to be an illustration of the way God felt when His people rebelled against Him.
Aren't we all like that at times? Don't we all choose to rebel against God and put our trust and self-worth in things other than God: things like money, fame, power, jobs, clothing, college degrees, etc? I know I do; and what does God say about that?
God's message is simple: It hurts, but He pursues people even when they hurt Him. God’s “loving-kindness” came in the form of a
passionate and persistent pursuit of showing love and mercy to rebellious children, which makes me think that proper "pursuit" is more than just romance. I mean, don't we all want to be passionately and persistently pursued with love and mercy?
As I said earlier, I’ve seen Ashley’s desire to be pursued, so I've started asking God to give me the curiosity required to pursue her properly. Now, though, I'm starting to realize that I also need to ask
God to give me the curiosity required to pursue other people with love and mercy. But my need for that particular form of passion doesn't stop there. In fact, my curiosity for others is just scratching the surface.
The most important thing I need to do, is recognize that God has been pursuing me with love and mercy throughout my whole life. I need to stop running from Him, and accept His love instead. I need to recognize that I've hurt Him and ask for forgiveness. Finally, I need to ask Him for the desire and curiosity required to pursue Him the way He has pursued me, because there is nothing greater in life than growing closer to the creator of the universe. Do you feel that way as well?
I would love to read the story of how you realized that God was pursuing you. Leave me a comment