Monday, April 12, 2010

my action is a reaction of his love.

My last few years with God have been very exciting. It started two years ago when I realized my lifestyle was not very Christ-like. So to alleviate my guilt, I joined a Tuesday night study which opened my eyes to God's love for me. At the time I was living with the fear that God would not love me if I made any more mistakes. That group helped me see that God loves me regardless of my actions. In fact "God demonstrates His love for us in this: while we were still sinners Christ died for us." That realization turned into a desire to make a public commitment to follow Jesus and become baptized. I'm still growing, and in fact dealing with more struggles than ever before. I'm currently learning that patience is required to follow Him, and that it's important to put His plans above your own. It can be frustrating, and sometimes goes against everything I've ever felt in the past, but there is a reward at the end of life. It's interesting that my selfish pursuit of alleviating guilt turned into a desire to become selfless in following Him. It's all because "when I am weak then I am strong."

My journey is not done yet, and I will have the privilege of participating in my first mission trip in a decade this July.

What are the planned details?

I fly to Uganda on July 8th and return July 19th

  • Three day medical clinic designed to diagnose/treat various diseases
    • There are not enough doctors to diagnose diseases in Uganda, which prevents people from obtaining a readily available prescription drug.
  • Pastor’s conference with around 175 African pastors
    • Uganda has willing leaders, but limited resources in funding their education.
  • Participation in supporting the local church
    • The government is trying to destroy a section of the city, which displaces many families, and is causing the church to lose credibility

I want you to participate in this mission trip with me. You can participate in prayer, encouragement, or donation. Please consider:

  • Prayer
    • Pray that God will give us the fruits of the spirit: “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”
    • Pray for leadership and team unity
  • Encouragement
    • Encourage me to stay in communication with my savior
  • Donation
    • The trip costs $3,500, and donations of any size are appreciated

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