Doesn't it seem ironic that today is called Good Friday? I mean, what's good about an innocent man being betrayed by His religious leaders and abandoned by everyone who was close to Him? Aren't those actions bad? Don't they point out the sinfulness and depravity of humanity? I mean, isn't it scary to consider that sin has affected humanity so deeply that we are capable of killing our own creator? It sends shivers down my spine.
I think Good Friday is only "good" if we focus on God's role in the event. It's "good," because Good Friday demonstrates how deep and wide and great and powerful God's love is for us. Before Jesus left heaven, He knew that the cross waited for Him. He also knew about the frustration He would feel as the people He loved reject Him, mocked Him, stripped Him naked in front of the crowd and spit in His face. Yes, He knew those things, yet endured it for the joy awaiting the grand finale. That's why we call it "Good Friday."
What an amazing God we serve. He is a God who is willing to come to earth and take our punishment for us, and all He asks for is a relationship. Wow, isn't that good?