Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others—the armies of heaven—praising God and saying,
“Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”
Luke 2:8-14
I had an old, Ford Taurus when I was in college, and one day it broke down. It was a few days before Christmas, and all of a sudden, the heat went out. In Wisconsin, it's a big deal to lose heat in your car. It's like running out of sweet tea at a wedding in the south. You can't have one without the other :)
So I quickly dialed the number to a local mechanic, and found out that the repairs would cost me $250. At that moment most people would be rejoicing that their car repairs were only $250, but to a 20 year old college kid whose annual salary is $245, this was a lot of money! So in my anger and discouragement, I called my mom and told her I wouldn't be coming home for Christmas. I was angry at God for allowing my car to break, and I didn't want to celebrate His birthday.
I admit that my selfishness amazes me sometimes, especially after I read Luke 2:8-14. According to Luke's account, while I was pouting over my misfortune, the rest of the universe was rejoicing. In fact, light broke through the darkness that night, and an angel of the Lord declared in a booming voice, "GOOD NEWS!"
And immediately upon delivering the message of good news, the whole sky lights up as a multitude of angels join in to sing praises to God:
"Glory to God in the Highest!"
That, right there, is the appropriate response to Christmas, but it's not the response that I'm interested in right now. The response I'm interested in, is Jesus' response to mankind's rebellion.
See, while I was punishing God for my misfortune, He was leaving his throne in order to rescue me. In fact, He came to earth with the purpose of saving the very people who put him to death on a cross. That, my friends, is response I'm most interested in!