Well hello good citizens of earth (as though anyone other than myself will ever read this thing). Today i start an adventure that will take me to an all new level of existing. A place where my jumbled, fantastic and often times crazy thoughts can find a resting place. A place where all are accepted, respected, valued and allowed to stalk from the privacy of their couch. This place is called Joshuaville, USA (I am refering to this blog of course). So, what can a guy like me talk about? What tidbits of insight or value do I bring to the world wide intraweb? Well, i'm not sure yet, but i'm excited to find out. So for our first order of business...
How to solve the world's economic crisis. PSYCH! Maybe we should start with me. Well, i'm a reader, which i think is the biggest time waster EVER. Why read when you can save time and rent, right?
Anyways, lately i've been reading a book about King David (you probably heard the story of David and Goliath), and came to the conclusion that there are a lot of things i still have to learn about myself. It's ironic how you can learn new things about yourself by reading the account of another man's life. Watching how one person either succeeds or fails in life helps you put your own life into perspective, and determine where you want to take it. For example, i was reading how David's older brothers thought they were better than him, because they were older and bigger and definitely more wise. Then one day a man named Samuel was looking for a person that would fill the role of the new king, and went to David's house. His brothers were stoked because if anyone from the family would be king, it would probably be the first born right?...well guess not. David eventually became one of the greatest kings in Isreal.
Now this is were i come into play. I'm the first born: i'm also the best looking, most intelligent, strongest, cleverist, and most humble...obviously. I also have three younger brothers, two of which are a lot like me, and one who is a little more unlike me. Well, all of my life, i have thought myself better than these yahoos, mostly because big brother knows best (all the older siblings out there know this already...all the younger siblings probably haven't learned to respect their elders yet), but here i am reading history and realizing for the first time that sometimes younger brothers can become rulers of nations. Then I started thinking to myself "well dang, what happens if my little brothers become more powerful than me (umm, ironically one is a marine, and all of them are taller), are they going to be angry for the way i treated them?" Probably. Especially the marine who i use to punch mercilessly, until he got bigger than me (luckily Bush has kept him in Iraq long enough to ensure my safety for the time being). Long story short, reading a story about a boy who lived 2500 years ago convinced me that i still have a lot to learn about life.
Hopefully you will help me learn.